Thursday, March 7, 2013

Why Am I Writing This Post??

I'm certain I'm going to end up with Alzheimer's Disease.  I constantly forget words to simple things, like the closet, or shoes, etc.  The other day I forgot our address!  The doctor said she thinks it's just stress.  I'm not entirely convinced.  So I'm starting to do some research on preventative steps I can take now, that will hopefully benefit me in the long run.

I found this video online from "Everyday Health."  It's 5 simple foods that will help boost your memory.

I'm adding them to my grocery list right now!

The Bug Has Arrived

As hard as we tried to fight it off, the stomach bug has claimed its first victim in our household.  Our son.  Poor guy.  I don't remember the last time he was sick to his stomach.  And now, he's barfing once an hour.  The ironic part of all of this?  Just a few days ago he was asking me what "dry heaves" were. I'm not sure where he heard that term, but he is now intricately familiar with it.

Dr. Mom has prescribed rest, cracker and Powerade.  Hopefully this won't last long....